Friday, September 4, 2009

A blast from the past

The on-going debate over the ILF and its position in the universe has brought out several pilots from Strix Armaments and Defence. Really? Strix?

When was the last time anyone saw one of these Pro-Fed dogmatics anywhere near the Intaki System? I thought they had pulled out of Placid last year. I know the members I keep flagged in my pod console are rarely active.

But there they are, speaking like they are experts on the Intaki situation. At least, David Caldera is an Intaki.

Far worse are the Pro-Fed Gallente who think they have some right to continue to dictate to the Intaki how we should run our own affairs. I can think of few worse offenders than
Hussain. Doesn't he realize when he makes his veiled threats to continue to Gallente status quo he is only lending support to our claims?

By the Ida, I swear that some days I can hardly stomach to read what those fools post.

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