Friday, September 5, 2008

Recruitment diary

Recruiting continues to be one of the hardest parts of my job. When I founded the ILF (has it really been almost two years now?) I certainly never expected to be in this situation at this point.

I guess I was just a bit naive of the whole process. I thought the corp would be viral and grow as older members attracted newer ones. I thought if I got big enough people would just come to me.

What I've found, though, is that the corp requires constant tending. It's just occurred to me that the corp is like a garden. Old plants must be pruned and new ones planted. Some grow for many months or years, others bloom quickly and then are gone.

I'm writing from Duripant, 9 jumps and a billion miles from home. I miss Intaki. I wish I was with Ayd'n, Shamus and the others. But if I run home and take up the fight today, who will be there to fight tomorrow.

No, I must remain vigilant. I must find new blood to fill our ranks and grow this corp into a force to be dealt with.

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